Her abortion was scheduled for her 18th birthday, July 1, 1993. They were terrified of going into an abortion clinic and had asked all around if the place was safe. The clinic had rassured them when they got there that the only affect would probably be heavy bleeding. They were reassured but still just a little nervous.
Christi was in the operating room for more than expected. Kay noticed a different mood change in the staff as she waited in the waiting room. Christi had experienced a minor complication and that she was being taken to the hospital for observation.
Chrisit was rushed to the hospital. When Kay saw her she was not moving and had many tues stuck in her. The first thing Kay said was "Thats not my daughter".
Christi was paralyzed. She was no longer the daughter her parents knew.
The abortionist Ronald Kuseski, not an anesthesiologist, had administered sedatives to Christi through her IV. After the abortion, he looked up to find Christi pale, with bluish lips, and no pulse or respiration. This move by this one man had messed up the life of a young girl.
Kay knew that the abortion was the worst choice then. Instead of changing her grandchild's diapers, she was now changing the diapers of her own daughter. This was the biggest decision Kay and Christi could ever regret.
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