On a 1990 Barbara Walters TV special, Gibson stated his opposition to birth control, infidelity and abortion. He said, "God is the only one who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can't decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn't. That decision doesn't belong to us."
Patricia Heaton of the hit comedy, Everybody Loves Raymond, fights abortion. This winning actress strongly opposes abortion. She speaks publicly against abortion in media interviews and on college campuses as the Honorary Chairperson of Feminists for Life.
Heaton says, "Indeed the tragedy of abortion haunts women from all walks of life. Abortion advocates are spending millions to package their tired rhetoric and half-truths in cutting-edge advertising campaigns targeted to young women. Please join me in supporting FFL's efforts to provide complete information, practical resources, and true choices through the College Outreach program."Actress, Margaret Colin, has appeared in Three Men and a Baby and the sci-fi blockbuster, Independence Day, and on TV in Chicago Hope, Now and Again and Madigan Men. A pro-life activist since the eighth grade, Margaret credits her parents with empowering her and her siblings to promote pro-life values. At a Congressional Briefing in Washington DC on July 17, 2002, Margaret spoke about abortion. "We marched here to support all women and to protest the violence against them, legislated by Roe v. Wade. And while many will remember the 40 million [aborted] American children that were never born, I want us to also remember the 25 million women and girls in America today who have personally experienced an abortion."
Kathy Ireland also spoke about abortion on the Hannity and Colmes FOX-TV show, Ireland said:
"Is it all right for the government to allow the murder of an innocent human being? The evidence I see tells me the unborn is a human being. From the moment of conception, a new life comes into being with a complete genetic blueprint. The sex is determined. The blood type is determined… the moment that I learned that the unborn was a human being, not part of the woman's body but its own individual human being, I have no choice but to defend the most vulnerable among us."
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