Thursday, April 26, 2012

Celebs on Abortion

Even though some celebs are in the spotlight and wouldnt want something like an unexpected baby to get in their way, many many celebrities have spoken out against abortion. 
On a 1990 Barbara Walters TV special, Gibson stated his opposition to birth control, infidelity and abortion. He said, "God is the only one who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can't decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn't. That decision doesn't belong to us."
Patricia Heaton of the hit comedy, Everybody Loves Raymond, fights abortion. This winning actress strongly opposes abortion. She speaks publicly against abortion in media interviews and on college campuses as the Honorary Chairperson of Feminists for Life.
Heaton says, "Indeed the tragedy of abortion haunts women from all walks of life. Abortion advocates are spending millions to package their tired rhetoric and half-truths in cutting-edge advertising campaigns targeted to young women. Please join me in supporting FFL's efforts to provide complete information, practical resources, and true choices through the College Outreach program."
Actress, Margaret Colin, has appeared in Three Men and a Baby and the sci-fi blockbuster, Independence Day, and on TV in Chicago Hope, Now and Again and Madigan Men. A pro-life activist since the eighth grade, Margaret credits her parents with empowering her and her siblings to promote pro-life values. At a Congressional Briefing in Washington DC on July 17, 2002, Margaret spoke about abortion. "We marched here to support all women and to protest the violence against them, legislated by Roe v. Wade. And while many will remember the 40 million [aborted] American children that were never born, I want us to also remember the 25 million women and girls in America today who have personally experienced an abortion."
Kathy Ireland also spoke about abortion on the Hannity and Colmes FOX-TV show, Ireland said:
"Is it all right for the government to allow the murder of an innocent human being? The evidence I see tells me the unborn is a human being. From the moment of conception, a new life comes into being with a complete genetic blueprint. The sex is determined. The blood type is determined… the moment that I learned that the unborn was a human being, not part of the woman's body but its own individual human being, I have no choice but to defend the most vulnerable among us."

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How Abortion Ruined a Life and a Family

In 1993, a 17 year old girl, named Christi Stile, had hid her preganancy from her parents for 4 months.  WHen she had finally told her parents, both her parents, Kay and Fred, were disappointed and angry.  The idea of abortion was never something they would consider.  Christi cried and as any other 17 year old girl, pointed out that having this baby would ruin her life and that she couldn't go through with it.  Kay eventually gave in to Christi and drove her to the abortion clinic.  
Her abortion was scheduled for her 18th birthday, July 1, 1993.  They were terrified of going into an abortion clinic and had asked all around if the place was safe.  The clinic had rassured them when they got there that the only affect would probably be heavy bleeding.  They were reassured but still just a little nervous. 
Christi was in the operating room for more than expected.  Kay noticed a different mood change in the staff as she waited in the waiting room.  Christi had experienced a minor complication and that she was being taken to the hospital for observation. 
Chrisit was rushed to the hospital.  When Kay saw her she was not moving and had many tues stuck in her.  The first thing Kay said was "Thats not my daughter". 
Christi was paralyzed.  She was no longer the daughter her parents knew. 
The abortionist Ronald Kuseski, not an anesthesiologist, had administered sedatives to Christi through her IV. After the abortion, he looked up to find Christi pale, with bluish lips, and no pulse or respiration.  This move by this one man had messed up the life of a young girl.
Kay knew that the abortion was the worst choice then.  Instead of changing her grandchild's diapers, she was now changing the diapers of her own daughter.  This was the biggest decision Kay and Christi could ever regret.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dear mommy,

This is a commercial that I made for abortion that drags out the feeling of regret and guilt of never actually knowing the child that has been aborted from the woman.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Birthday

Being a supporter of life, this song hit me deeply.  It shows the regret and guilt that a man feels when his woman had an abortion.  First, it shows how the abortion can affect the man as well as the woman.  She may not want the baby, but its a part of him too and he would want a say in whether or not his child lives.  It also shows the regret in never being able to know his own child.  He is left with the mystery of what the child would look like, if they'd be a boy or a girl, if they'd be an athlete or a genius, and how much they'd love eachother.  He acknowledges that when he was younger, he was afraid and thought he was not ready to be a father.  He didn't think much back then about how he'd feel in the future about letting his child be murdered.  Now that he has a son, he wishes more and more that he had kept the first child because of how much his son means to him.

"And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again
From the endin' to the endin', never got to begin
Maybe one day we could meet face to face?
In a place without time and space
Happy birthday..."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

When Life Really Begins

Life begins one the sperm and egg meet.  A new cell is formed and that is where all human life begins.  From that moment of conception, a human being begins to grow and it already has its own individual set of DNA that belongs to it only.  The child's gender is already determined by this time.  By the end of the first month, the baby has a functioning brain, eyes, ears, mouth, kidneys, liver, an umbilical cord and fully working heart.  The fetus is a quarter if an inch, and is clearly looking like a human being.
By the second month, fingers and toes are fully formed.  The eyes have become further developed and the ears have begun to pick up sounds and vibrations.  The body is only made if cartilage at this stage, but the baby is starting to make spontaneous movements.   
Even at this small stage, don't tell me that this isn't a human being.
Soon after, the baby is able to hear outside noises and can has the ability to suck its thumb.  The fetus is about 1 pount and 7 inches long, and is completely distinctable.  By the fifth month, the mother is able to feel the baby kick and move around inside her. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Choice to save just you, or both of you

For people who are pro-choice, their main argument is that women have the rights to do with their body whatever they want to do.  I won't deny how true that sounds.  Women should have control over what they do with their bpdies.  If this is true though, then shouldn't women have the control to prevent an unwanted pregnancy?  Every woman has the choice to use contraception or stay abstinent.  That is their choice right there.  Women should take the right precautions and make the right choices before they find themselves in a mess.  Making the choice to murder a baby or not should not be one of the options on the list of decisions a woman has to make.  As bad as this sounds, if the pregnancy is seen as a consequence and nuisance, the woman should go through with it anyway because she aslready had the choice to prevent it.

As well as the baby's life being put in danger, the woman who decides to receive an abortion is putting her own life at stake in many ways.  The woman can suffer alot from psychological disorders.  Depression and anxiety have been brought upon by the guilt and pain from regretting what they have done to their unborn child.  The thought of losing a piece of them and killing a human being for their own selfish reasons is something hard to cope with after the fact of committing the abortion.  Abortion can also cause many physical ailments.  It has been proved that many women have gotten breast cancer from receieving an abortion.  The abortion messes with the pregancy process and the hormones that are produced during the pre-birth process.  There have also been many cases when a women has become paralyzed due to the complications during the procedure.  If the uteran wall is knicked or any of the reproductive organs are damaged, the woman can be permanently paralyzed or even killed from it.  In these cases, two lives are lost instead of just one.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Stating the Statitics

My younger brother who is only 15, a sophomore in highschool, came home the other day and started telling me about a girl he used to go to elementary school with.  He had said she had already had her second abortion, and she is only 15 years old as well.  I honestly didn't even know how to respond.  She had an abortion her freshman year of highschool and now just a year later.  I have always thought abortion in the first place was just appalling, but hearing that someone this young has had not just one, but two, has really blown me out of the water. 

Looking at the statistics of abortion, everything sort of bothered me, but a few statistics stuck out greatly to me. I had found that about 22% of all abortions happens to teens under the age of 20.  That's like children killing children, which absolutely sounds awful to me. Even though Catholics are trying so hard to fight abortion, Catholic women account for over 30% of the women who have abortions each year.  What I find shocking is that 93% of abortions are made for social reasons.  The other small percentages are because of rape and incest, and because of serious health problems occurring to the mother becasue of the pregnancy.  To me, its crazy how many women in our own country are willing to kill off their own child for the sake of their social life.  I have always thought that bearing the grief and guilt of killing your child is a million times worse than carrying a child for 9 months and feeling embarrassed by that for the shorter period of time. 
The last statistic that really scared me was that there are over 3,700 abortions per day.  Per day... All over our country every day, close to 4,000 murders are happening everwhere and no one even gives that a second thought that this is murder of children.
Seeing these statistics have really shocked me, and I wish only for numbers like these to go down with time.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Legal Murderers?

Does killing your own child seem like something you can just walk away from without any guilt or anything wrong with that? Abortion is the same thing as killing ones own child.  Once that seed is planted, that's a living growing baby. If you can kill the baby as its growing and alive, killing a baby anytime would be on the same level.  So, what person in their right mind kills a baby? Didn't think it sounded nice either.