Thursday, February 23, 2012

When Life Really Begins

Life begins one the sperm and egg meet.  A new cell is formed and that is where all human life begins.  From that moment of conception, a human being begins to grow and it already has its own individual set of DNA that belongs to it only.  The child's gender is already determined by this time.  By the end of the first month, the baby has a functioning brain, eyes, ears, mouth, kidneys, liver, an umbilical cord and fully working heart.  The fetus is a quarter if an inch, and is clearly looking like a human being.
By the second month, fingers and toes are fully formed.  The eyes have become further developed and the ears have begun to pick up sounds and vibrations.  The body is only made if cartilage at this stage, but the baby is starting to make spontaneous movements.   
Even at this small stage, don't tell me that this isn't a human being.
Soon after, the baby is able to hear outside noises and can has the ability to suck its thumb.  The fetus is about 1 pount and 7 inches long, and is completely distinctable.  By the fifth month, the mother is able to feel the baby kick and move around inside her. 

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